In Maracaibo, the players are sailors and soldiers of fortune who, throughout their careers, do their utmost to gain high esteem with these nations. It's also about building strong connections and ultimately gaining fame and fortune.
Carthage - about 800 years BCE. Founded as a humble trading post by the Phoenicians, the city quickliy grew to an important trade hub whereprecious goods from all across the ancient world are traded.
In a time long forgotten, the cruel Fomori rule over Érin, the green island. They praise their king Balor, who reigns from his fortifications in the north with an iron fist. Old paths and ruins
spread over the island's face, which will be called Ireland many generations from now. But new tribes arrive at the island striving for permanent presence. Who will control Érin's fate over the
next centuries to come?
Now the players should choose one tribe and use its special skills.